European Games 2015: Azerbaijani AZAL airlines offers huge travel discount for arriving foreigners

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05.02.2016, 13:24

Azerbaijan Airlines CJSC (AZAL) has announced a special campaign for the citizens of foreign countries, who have passed accreditation for the first European Games to be held in Baku on June 12-28.

By presenting an accreditation badge for the first European Games, the citizens of foreign countries can purchase tickets for the AZAL flights worldwide with a 50 percent discount till the end of 2015.

We offer our guests to keep the accreditation cards and take advantage of this opportunity to visit Azerbaijan again.

The company makes more than 16,000 international flights from Azerbaijan to 38 cities worldwide annually.

Aside from the five cities of Azerbaijan (Baku, Ganja, Lankaran, Nakhchivan and Sumgait), AZAL has offices in London (UK), Paris (France), Berlin and Frankfurt (Germany), Milan and Rome (Italy) Barcelona (Spain), Prague (Czech Republic), New York (USA), Beijing (China), Seoul (Korea), Ankara and Istanbul (Turkey), Dubai (UAE), Tehran and Tabriz (Iran), Tel Aviv (Israel), Moscow, St. Petersburg, Astrakhan, Ekaterinburg, Kazan, Krasnoyarsk, Mineralnye Vody, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Perm and Rostov-on-Don (Russia), Minsk (Belarus), Kiev (Ukraine), Aktau (Kazakhstan), Tbilisi (Georgia) and Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan).

Azerbaijan Airlines CJSC is the official sponsor of the Baku 2015 European Games.

To purchase tickets and for further information, please contact:

+(99412) 598-88-80 *8880 E-mail:

You can also buy tickets and get more information at the sale offices of Azerbaijan Airlines in your city.

Have a nice flight!