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09.06.2023, 10:04

A historically major event for civil aviation of Azerbaijan will take place in June 2024 - the country will host the next Global ATM Summit and the 28th Annual General Meeting of CANSO.

This was announced at the CANSO Summit in Berlin.

Today, CANSO – The Civil Air Navigation Services Organization - has more than 180 members, including Azerbaijan, which has become a member since 2005.

Azerbaijan is the first country in the history of the CIS and many other countries in the region approved by the CANSO Executive Committee to host the event. Previously, the Summit was held in cities such as Dublin, Vancouver, Copenhagen, Bangkok and Geneva.

CANSO's decision to entrust the holding of an international summit in Baku is a vivid example of Azerbaijan's achievements and authority in the field of air navigation.

At a meeting with representatives of the "Azeraeronavigation" ATC of AZAL, CANSO Director General Simon Hocquard noted that Azerbaijan has every opportunity to host the Global ATM Summit at a high level.

More than 350 leaders from the field of civil aviation representing 150 countries of the world are expected to participate in the summit in Baku. They will gather to discuss the most pressing issues of air transport optimization and cooperation in building a safe and sustainable global air transportation chain.

The CANSO Summit is one of the most significant events in the field of international aviation. CANSO Global ATM Summit annually brings together world leaders and senior management from the entire civil aviation industry, as well as representatives of international organizations such as ICAO, EUROCONTROL and IATA.

CANSO covers more than 85% of global air traffic and unites air navigation service providers, regulatory and executive bodies of aviation authorities from around the world, as well as production leaders in the aviation industry.